
Production proceeds according to accurate and thorough stages to ensure quality and rapidity:

1. Planning: After the design stage, the times to build the product and organise production are managed through the planning stage.

2. Manufacturing: Welding and specific processes, which can only be carried out by professionals, are performed with CNC machines and certified personnel, thereby ensuring solidity and longevity to our conveyors

1. Planning

2. Manufacturing

3. Pre-assembly: At all stages of production, we need to check everything matches the specifications in the drawing. This means that the framing of all the conveyors is pre-assembled before going ahead with the painting stage.

4. Assembly: After the painting stage, the conveyors are assembled by following the steps defined at the planning and design stage.

3. Pre-assembly

4. Assembly

5. Commissioning: the commissioning is carried out when the conveyor is operated under no-load conditions, with a special focus on:

  • checking noise, vibrations and electrical consumption
  • checking the mechanics, lubrication, surface treatments and tightening of bolts and nuts
  • lifting tests

6. Shipping: After the commissioning stage, the conveyors are prepared for shipping, the packages are marked, the casings are setup and the packing lists are filled out.

5. Commissioning

6. Shipping

Unibelt s.r.l.
Via dell'industria, 5
41018 San Cesario Sul Panaro (Mo)
P.Iva:: 00773780366
Tel.: +39 059 925712
Fax: +39 059 922106
nr iscrizione al registro delle imprese di modena: 00773780366
numero REA: MO - 184227
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