Air Supported Conveyor Belt

The Air Supported Conveyor Belt, our so-called Air Belt , are usually employed to handle bulk material at high speed.

This product has a distinctive feature: the belt slides on an air film that reduces the sliding friction between the belt and the sliding cradle. This eliminates resistance due to the rolling friction of the rollers in the conveyor section.

This technology has considerable benefits:

  1. In the conveyor section, frictional resistance is constant and reduced even after a number of years of operation.
  2. There is little need for maintenance due to the fact that there are no rollers.
  3. The material is conveyed with no rollers (SAG factor equal to 0%), thereby allowing for fluid and linear movements. The aggregation status of mixes, especially pre-mixed mortars, remains unaltered during transport.


Unibelt s.r.l.
Via dell'industria, 5
41018 San Cesario Sul Panaro (Mo)
P.Iva:: 00773780366
Tel.: +39 059 925712
Fax: +39 059 922106
nr iscrizione al registro delle imprese di modena: 00773780366
numero REA: MO - 184227
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